Monday, October 28, 2013

"Getting to know you, getting to know all about you..."

Sup my peeps.
So anywho, right to the point.. last week Momma made the comment that I didn´t talk enough about the basics (town, companion, pension-apartment...) when I first got here. So this week, I thought that I would rewind a bit and fill y´all in a bit more about those sorts of things.
President Kahnlein: He is really nice, and he cares a lot about the missionaries. He is a letter of the law kind of person.. But he is patient with the missionaries and he is always proud and uplifting with their work. He expects a lot of us, which makes us work hard. He served a mission in the United States, so THANKFULLY he knows english, but it´s the funny "missionary" vocabulary english... ya get me? It makes me smile haha. But yup, that´s him in a nutshell.
My Area (Limache): Limache limache limache....what can I say. We´ve got some narly hills in Limache. For example, this week I spilled going down a everest-scale dirt road hill. Haha...yeaahh I had to take a shower when we got home that night cause their was dusty dirt all over me. It´s kinda suburby in parts and then some more ghetto-y types of literally 4 "walls" and then something covering it. But I like it! It´s a comfy type of ghetto if ya know what I mean. Like a "crappy first house" kinda feeling..You acknowledge that it´s struggling but you still love it.
The people in Chile are generally really nice...except the cat-calling dudes..that´s just slightly really awkward. I love Limache´s my first home in Chile so it has a piece of my heart.
The weather in Chile is SUPER bipolar....kinda like a desert in  the fact that it´s super hot during the day and then freezing at night. So at times, deciding what to wear is confusing.
Que mas...Oh, our ward is really great! There is another set of sisters of our ward as well. The members are all so loving and kind. We are struggling a bit with getting the members to help out with the missionary work (times like that when I wish I was serving in Kannapolis Ward! ;) ...but really). Our apartment pension is in the kinda suburby area. It´s pretty beat down cause missionaries have been using it for over 13 years, but I like it. So yep...that´s all I got about that stuff.
Compañera: Hermana Barros es mi amiga mejor en Chile :) She is a sister to me lots of ways and a momma in others. She is so funny. She doesn´t know english, but she learns random phrases like "I have a toot" and "What´s your problem besides you face?" It´s so funny....ohhhh Hermana Barros. I am so grateful that she is latina!! Because now, I am learning spanish the right way, ya know? But it´s funny cause now I´m learning some words with an Argentinian accent cause she is from, oh well! Atleast I´m learnin right? She LOVES to be EXACTLY obedient. At times it drives me up the wall, but it´s teaching me a lot and I´m learning that it´s just her faith outwardly demonstrated, so I´m gratful for her example. She keeps me uplifted and always encourages me, even when I feel like I am no help during lessons. She watches out for me like a big sister and then lifts me up like a mom :) She is always happy and excited about the work and her whole heart and soul is in it. She is such an example to me cause she is only a convert of a year and a half..and the only member in her family. Her faith reminds me a lot of Zachary Ward :) I love her so much, and literally everyday I am reminded about how grateful I am for her.
So yep, there´s the background stuff for you guys! Sorry I don´t send pictures through email anymore..most of the computers here are messed up with that kind of stuff, so I´ll just wait and send my whole card home later.
For Christmas..I want my christmas pjs still pleeeease! And maybe some socks ooorr I don´t know...surprise me! Maybe some fruit snacks (cause those don´t exsist here....yeah the food market is a bit different) or maybe stickers for the little niños. Anything! Anything in a  package will be Christmas to me :) Oh! But definitely send me my recipe book! (but the measurements are different here..hmmm maybe just a few copies of things like cookies or brownies or stuff like that)(I don´t wanna lose my real book so maybe just send copies) ...and the steps to make rice cripy treats please!
Welp my time is up once again. You guys have no idea how much your emails and prayers help me every week. Thank you thank you thank you soo much with todo mi corazón! I love you all like the dickens. All day every day.
Please be good while I´m gone and search for ways to lift others up every day...cause everyone is going through their own form of Gethsemane in their lives. Seek for ways to lift the burden and help them bear their cross.....through love, faith, a smile, and Christ, all things are possible.
Until next time, remember who you are and what you stand for :)
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page

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