Monday, February 3, 2014

Oops, I did it again...

Cambios: I´m in Limache again!! Whoop whooop. I really felt like I was leaving, but I guess the Lord´s got one more transfer for me here. But cambios were crazy this time, but to explain, y´all need a little backstory. Sooo Limache A is the name is my area really, cause there is a Limache B. Pero both Limache A and Limache B are for our ward (cause theres only one ward). But Limache in general is a loooooott of area. It´s like country and fields and neighborhood type areas...but a lot of them...en serio. But what happened is that one of the Hermanas en Limache B got transfered, then they closed the area Limache B to new missionaries for this cambio cause there aren´t enough in the mission for this transfer, then the hermana that got left in Limache B sola, esta en Limache A now, we are in a trio, I´m still traning Hermana Perez, and we have alllllllllllllll of Limache now...and President told us that we can´t use the bikes that are in our house. So this cambio, yo creo, is going to be LOCO. LOTS of walkin (and maybe even some running), but an adventure nevertheless haha. But yep, that´s what happened in cambios this go around! Never a dull moment in the mission, cierto? ;)
Flashback: In sunday school, our teacher was talking about agency and how we should be careful of the decisions we make and all that jazz. Now she said that she had a video that we wanted to share with us about what we were learning. and whadayaknow, she whips out THE PUMP!! I almost died I was so happy. Turns out that this video in spanish is just as funny. But the part when they were saying "cebe la bomba" en slow motion, I was saying priiiiiiiiimmmmmeeee ttthhhhheee pppuuummmmpppppp in my mind. Needless to say, that was my favorite day in sunday school en my life I think. 
Birthdays: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDIO (aka $teah Money) Y DALLIN THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you two so much :) I hope it´s really awesome, and y´all get lots of lovin...and cake.

But I think that´s my life this week. Loco with cambios, but super great eitherway with citas and teachin and the such. 

Sorry for the spanglish...I just skimmed the email over again I realized it happened a lot....sorry haha. 

Mom, you asked me what I need so this is what I´ve been thinkin: 
-tabs to mark my scriptures..and lots of em...ya know, like the little skinny flouricent see-throughish ones...ya know what I´m talking about? they don´t have those here and I´m runnin looow
-my recipe cards/book thing...and other recipes that are simple like no bake cookies ooor brownies ooorr stuff like that we we can do in noches de hogar
-ideas for cool FHE´s 
-I never found my "have no fear" bracelet... :(
.....I was thinkin about this earlier and I had a list in my head, but I forgot it now. Pucha. Ehh, it´s all good. Surprise me I guess! If I remember something later, I can ask for it for my birthday, right? OH! maybe something for Hna. Perez. She doesn´t have hardly anything, and her family doesn´t really have the money to support her. She likes the dulces. No sé.....just a little love for my latina too :)
ps. Am I ever gonna get my christmas package from Matthewcito?
pss. if we do the 40 day fast, let me know what my days are, porfis.

I love you all sooooooo much, and I gotta get headin. Hope you all have a fantastic week! And when there are tough moments, don´t forget to pray!! Prayer is my life source in the mission. I love it so much, and it is such a blessing that I feel like we forget about sometimes cause it´s so simple. Try it out, and watch the help, peace, and miracles come flowin´ in! 
Thank you all for everything. Everyday I am more and more grateful for you all. 
Til next time. 
Love always and always, 
Hermana Abigail Page

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