Monday, March 24, 2014

A ver...

Yes, I got my Balemtimes Day package...GRACIAS MAMITA!! It always makes my day when I get mail or packages from people. But no, I still havent gotten the FHE book, but I think I´ll be getting it next weekend when we have zone conference.
Okay okay...where are Tory and Cameron going...hmmmm. Well my first guess for both is Chile, Viña del Mar..cause that would be THE BEST to serve with one of them!! Hahaha, I can already imagine it... and now I´m thinkin maaaybe it wouldnt be such a good thing after all ;)
But yeah anyways... Tory: Brasil or Florida or Holland (totally completely different)/ Cameron: Mexico (cause that´s the family curse) or Guatemala or Venezuela..algo with spanish. HEY, they will probably be in the CCM at the same time!! How cool :)

This week I was sitting at our table reading the Libro de Mormon and then suddenly, I had the strongest ganas of my life to watch Surf Ninjas. And I have no idea why, but poof, there they were. So throughout the whole day I was kinda watching the movie in my head haha.

The other day, we had to make almuerzo in the pension because no one was assigned that day, so Hermana Paz startd making papas. So she put a few frozen papas in the pan with the oil, and everything was calm so she thought, "hmmm, yeah I´ll just throw them all inthe save time". So she threw in all the frozen papas...and PPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFF a huuuge fire exploded from the pan and immediantely the fire detector starts yelling "fire, fire, theres a fire nearby, fire, fire". And the reaction of Hermana Paz was the funniest thing I have seen in a long looong time. She wasn´t sure if she should try to turn off the stove or if the fire would go down alone, so she was kinda dancing in place....ahhh priceless. Al final, the fire went down enough for Hna. Paz to reach over and move the pan from the hot part a little. We died laughing afterwards. Oh goodness, I wish with all my heart I had it on film. Price.Less.

This weekend we had a baptism of a little abuelita se llama Maria. Maria is 82 and she is literally the sweetest little thing. But she LOVES to learn new things and is always doing crafts and the such. And ya know what? She trying to learn english now too! Super activa ella. But one thing that she does thats so cute is that whenever she cant find her stuff for her crafts or her keys or when she feels alone, she starts to sing "essppiiirrrriiittuuuu saaaaaannnttooo ven!" Haha, she´s like a little girl. And we love her so much. Living proof that´s it´s never too late to change your life!

One last thing in my last seconds of this email, I´ve decided that the Atlantic Ocean is better than the Pacific Ocean.
But yep, that´s pretty much it!

Les amo un motón!!
Do something fun in my honor this week haha.
Y´all are in my prayers everyday.
Read your scriptures...en serio.
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page

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