Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hark! The bells are ringalingin'

So Friday was a wonderful day, but also an interesting one as well. The one main thing I wanted to focus on is that after work, I was sitting in our kitchen just pondering my life and the tiny problems I have that sometimes seem like the Himalayas to my meager mind. As I was sitting there, the BYU bell tower (which is right outside our window) began playing "Come, Come, Ye Saints." It is one of my favorite hymns. (For all you non-Mormons reading this, listen to it by following the link added to the word 'listen.' It is a song that can really change your heart.) The parts that hit home on Friday was the last few notes/words at the end of every verse that say "All is well!" I have always loved that part, and since I was going through a particularly difficult point in my day when the bell tower rang out this lovely tune, I was reminded of a few things. First off: I love my Heavenly Father. The simple fact that I was able to hear that song when I needed that spiritual and emotional up-boost was such a testimony-builder of His hand in my daily life. From helping me find my keys to sending me reassuring nudges through songs and people, I am constantly reminded that my Heavenly Father loves me :) I'm so glad I know that and that I know Him. Second: The Mormon pioneers were the most kick-butt people I know! Seriously though...they left their homes and all of their fancy possessions behind in order to cross thousands of miles on foot (and mostly by handcart) into unsettled territory simply because they had the most steadfast faith in the gospel and the restored church. Many of them died and lost loved ones along the way, and they suffered more hardships, sufferings, and persecutions then most people can even begin to imagine...and yet, as they walked all that way, they sang out strongly and proudly "All is well!" They are truely inspiring examples in my life. Sometimes I wish I had a fraction of the faith that they possessed.. I guess that's one for the bucket list!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Every Day Is Gameday

Howdy everyone. Lots and lots and LOTS of things have happened these past two weeks, so this post should be a doozy...but it is also 1:30 in the morning time that I am working on this bad boy, so let's see how far I get!
First off: Random fact of the week is I was super sore for atleast 3 days over the weekend/the beginning of the week. On Friday, I went to the gym for the first time since last semester ended. (Don't worry, I haven't been getting fat; I ran around the streets of Provo. I just haven't really had access to the gym since then.) But anyways, I went to the gym after my classes were over, and I ran and lifted weights and used tons of the fancy machines for over an hour and a half. Moral of this pointless story: I love to sweat. Weird, but true. And it's not that I love being sweaty in normal life. I like sweating when I go to the gym. I think it is a very rewarding feeling. Call me weird, but that's just how I roll. But yes...ANYWAYS.
Moving on. A week ago today, BYU had it's first home football game of the season. The recently spiffed-up stadium was jam packed by the time I got there after work. Everyone was all decked out in their cougar gear, which was awesome to see! My friends and my brothers and I were directly behind the goal post on the second row of the student section. Talk about flippin' awesomeness at it's climax! Things that happened right in front of us: The cheerleaders did all of their funky stunts; the Cougarettes shook their groove things; attractive males ran around with BYU flags and signs; many a touchdown and field goal occurred; Cosmo (our mascot) jumped up into the stands!!
(Please enjoy this image of me and mi amigas surrounding Cosmo the Cougar)
Funny side story about this picture: Cosmo jumped up into the stands down a little ways in our row. He was slowly making his way towards us while getting attacked for a gazillion photos. RIGHT when he got to us, he turned to jump down back onto the field. I screamed "NO Cosmo!! I HAVE to get a picture with you! You can't leave yet. Baby, come back!" I then preceeded to grab his arm while he was in mid-jump over the railing and turned him around so I could fulfill a major part of my college life and get a photo with that dang cougar. (Don't you see me gripping his arm? ...tehehe :)) All I have to say is "CHECK. Off the bucket list." Booya.
So another thing that happened at the game that fulfilled a life-long bucket list item is... I caught a tshirt!! Ya know how at sporting events and at other such things, people throw tshirts and stuff into the stands for the fans to jump and snatch at like it's the last bit of manna from heaven and we are about to go into the Great Drepression? Well, guess what. This girl won big time. I was jumping up and down in place yelling repeatedly, "Please I wanna shirt! Please I wanna shirt!! Please, oh please. Goodness gracious that's all I ask of life! PLEASE! I'm jumping around and I wanna shirt. Oh please Ms. Cheerleader lady. Please throw one to me!" And BAM. All of a sudden my annoying chants were cut short by a tshirt flying at my face and landing in my hands. It was honestly really funny cause I wasn't expecting it, and then I looked down and there it was in my hands! Sighh... I caught a shirt. I can die happy now.