Friday, August 24, 2012

Beware the swamp cooler!

After a [two week] 'summer break' filled with movies, moving, shopping, gatherings, phone calls, movies, interesting evenings, more shopping, sleeping, and more movies, I am very ready to begin fall semester. I miss having a schedule and having to work around things. I get more done when I have more to do...if that makes any sense? I'm just ready to get this show on the road! Classes and work and friends, oh my!
Starting today, all of my roommates are officially moved in! It's kinda weird sitting in my dorm and someone other than my past summer roommates walking in. I miss them a lot, but I am super stoked to start fresh. I can already tell that my new roommates are awesome, and we probably have the cutest apartment/dorm on the block!
Word to the wise: when you are about to move in somewhere and the only source of air conditioning is through a swamp cooler, look elsewhere for living arrangements. At times, it's brutal. But luckily, past development in technology has given us the invention of the electric fan. Thank you Schulyer Wheeler (inventor of the electric fan).
I'm going to end this post by saying the first five things that pop into my head: Scooby-Dooby-Doo; my CTR ring is German; everything in Utah is Utah-like; vintage bottles are the best; rain is a good thing.
That's all folks.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I simply remember my favorite things

So this past week, I have been in a form of homelessness; however, a pair of one of my adopted parents was kind enough to take me in during the semester break. I have been shown more Brazilian love this week than most people know in a lifetime, and for that I am beyond grateful :)
Zachary came out to Utah today!! It was really awesome to actually see him in person for the first time since he has been home! It was the first time Matt had seen Zach since before Matthew left on his mission, so it was super sweet to see them pick up right where they left off. Gotta love bromance.
Okay, so I know this post is so random and pointless, but I can't sleep, so I figured I would type a few words. Slightly similar to Fraulein Maria, I like to think of a few of my favorite things. This usually happens around beddy-bye time for me, when my mind wanders. Since I can't sleep, I figured I would share a few; sadly though, it will not be in a sing-songy manner with Austrian children jumping on my bed during a thunderstorm..

I LOVE: pillow pets (especially my giraffe one, Greg); bedside tables; slight stubble on men; awkward tan lines; sidewalks; temples; MTC's; benches for poppin' a squat; secret smoothies at Jamba Juice; missionary homecomings; curly hair; pretty eyes; autumn; walking signals; little baby ducks; camouflage; 'save' buttons; keys; Jedi; chargers; face wash that smells good; football; accents; bagpipes; CTR rings; Vans; dollar bills; getting emails; Captain America (all day, everyday); tabs; root beer floats; receiving texts; plaid; sliding on hardwood floors with socks; fake fighting; pictures; retro bikes; back scratches; when people play with my hair; when people harmonize while singing; and TV shows streamed online for free.

So when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when my social security card gets lost in the mail, when I jam my pinky toe, when I can't sleep, when I'm feeling sad... I simply remember my (random) favorite things, and then I don't feel sooo baaaaaaaddddd!!

~~Please enjoy this picture of me laughing at who knows what~~
~I felt that it was very fitting for this post~

Friday, August 10, 2012

I got a nickel HEY HEY HEY HEY!

The last night of my college freshmen summer was quite the way to end the best summer of my life. Let's just say Kendall, Kali, Kenzie, and I went out on a bang. Since we were some of the very few that were still around last night, we decided to go to California Pizza Kitchen and then to the Nickel Arcade!!! Talk about most fun night ever. Due to Kendall's rather large jar full of change, we gamed all night. I had forgotten how awesome it feels to win tickets. For those of you who may not understand, it is the closest thing to sheer joy you will feel in this life. So after we traded in our hundreds of tickets for some sweet High School Musical sweatbands and candy, we moseyed on over to the little waterfall on campus by our dorms that leads to the duck crick and chilled there for a bit. It was all great fun, and it will definitely be going down in my book for one of my most memorable nights ;) Things I learned: I should go on 'Deal or No Deal' because I'm awesome; Skee-ball is still the best arcade game ever; I like the tops of waterfalls; ducks sound like people at one in the morning; I can pin guys twice my size; and I'm a ninja at chameleon-fly-lick-knocking-downing.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Roommates say the darnedest things!

This summer my roommates and I have kept a quote wall of memorable things we have said that were really funny. So to preserve the memories, I am going to record them on here! That way, 37 years from now, we can look back and laugh again about the old times :)

*****Note: These quotations will remain authorless to protect the innocent. Also, they only make sense in context.*****

"I always get fuzzies there and I pick at them."
"And that's why I wish I was a man!"
"No! He's really cute, he just has a mole between his eyes."
"Will you lay on me?"
"Our dishwasher totally lays down a beat."
"I have to pee like a pregnant mexican race horse!"
"You're like a holocaust survivor."
"I might take my pants off tonight."
"Yes it does. She has man parts now."
"Zuhhh!" "No."
"Easy Dump"
"Don't be nervous. Do you want me to lay on you or something?"
"Here's your shoes with no tongue."
"We're a family...If she has AIDS, we all have AIDS."
"Pray for your salvation!"
"It tastes like really good poop!"
"I was sitting in class when I saw this guy's eyelashes...then I decided, 'Wow. I'm really attracted to guys with long eyelashes.'"
"Why do we have to be attracted to men?" "Yeah, why can't we be attracted to cats or sprinkler heads?"
"You wratched."
"Did I ever tell about how an ant attached to my brother's uvula?"
"That's the last time we're adopting Asians."
"If the llama would've spit 'invitational' on the ground, I would've been impressed."
"Yeah! Rain and Chick-fil-a together!"
"Children, please. I will murder you in your sleep...It's like a spanking but a little worse."
"Your dad's a vegan?" "No, he's Presbyterian."
"Imagine this song like they're talking to a bra."
"The library is SICK!"
"Oh...That's a hard one; one's hot and the other one is cute."
"Well my apologies to the kids in Africa, but I'm throwing this away..."
"I trust you to cut my butt and not my pants."
"Who wants some purple drank?!"
"Do nuns have a Facebook?"
"I'm just not attracted to other genders."
"Are you trolling me?"
"Hold up!!! What if I get a hot hometeacher?"
"I hope I don't get spices in my contacts!"
"Tests are like sports for me. And I'm on the Allstar team."
"Touch my body...Breanne! Please stop raping my leg!!"
"It's like Depends for the floor."

I love these girls so much!!! They have made me laugh til my abs hurt everyday this summer, and I'm going to miss them more than words can describe. They are and always will be my sisters from different misters <3