Saturday, August 18, 2012

I simply remember my favorite things

So this past week, I have been in a form of homelessness; however, a pair of one of my adopted parents was kind enough to take me in during the semester break. I have been shown more Brazilian love this week than most people know in a lifetime, and for that I am beyond grateful :)
Zachary came out to Utah today!! It was really awesome to actually see him in person for the first time since he has been home! It was the first time Matt had seen Zach since before Matthew left on his mission, so it was super sweet to see them pick up right where they left off. Gotta love bromance.
Okay, so I know this post is so random and pointless, but I can't sleep, so I figured I would type a few words. Slightly similar to Fraulein Maria, I like to think of a few of my favorite things. This usually happens around beddy-bye time for me, when my mind wanders. Since I can't sleep, I figured I would share a few; sadly though, it will not be in a sing-songy manner with Austrian children jumping on my bed during a thunderstorm..

I LOVE: pillow pets (especially my giraffe one, Greg); bedside tables; slight stubble on men; awkward tan lines; sidewalks; temples; MTC's; benches for poppin' a squat; secret smoothies at Jamba Juice; missionary homecomings; curly hair; pretty eyes; autumn; walking signals; little baby ducks; camouflage; 'save' buttons; keys; Jedi; chargers; face wash that smells good; football; accents; bagpipes; CTR rings; Vans; dollar bills; getting emails; Captain America (all day, everyday); tabs; root beer floats; receiving texts; plaid; sliding on hardwood floors with socks; fake fighting; pictures; retro bikes; back scratches; when people play with my hair; when people harmonize while singing; and TV shows streamed online for free.

So when the dog bites, when the bee stings, when my social security card gets lost in the mail, when I jam my pinky toe, when I can't sleep, when I'm feeling sad... I simply remember my (random) favorite things, and then I don't feel sooo baaaaaaaddddd!!

~~Please enjoy this picture of me laughing at who knows what~~
~I felt that it was very fitting for this post~

1 comment:

  1. These post remind me everyday all of my favorite things I love about you Abigail :)
    I love you!
