I have to let everyone know that I have started and started and started over this stinkin blog post multiple times over the past month, but I always started by talking about the weather...but the problem with this is that the weather has been quite bipolar over the past few weeks, so I have to keep restarting over the post. One day it's sunny and springy and wonderful; the next week it's "raining" and breezy; the next is snowing a random blizzard; and then it's warmer again. I don't get it Utah. Make up your mind, silly. In the end, I just decided that this isn't some awkward first date, so I don't have to talk about the weather. We will just skip right over that.
New goal: Write a new post at least once a week. I've gotten out of the habit REALLY bad, and I've received complaints from the home front, so I've gotta step up my game. Besides, my life is soooooooooooo interesting, so I know people are dying to hear how everything is (SARCASM).
{Careful kids, sarcasm is a slippery slope.}
I've decided that I like being up and ready far before I have to be somewhere because I feel like then I truly enjoy the going there part, ya know what I mean? I never really get to feel that way cause I'm always sucking the clock dry of every minute it's worth, so one morning last week was great casually gallivanting to the Creamery and then the library and then to class! Side note from that morning: I had to take a shower with no shower curtain in a shower stall that doesn't drain...that was an adventure to say the least.
Even though the weather flip-flops quite frequently, as we discussed before, Spring is (technically) finally here! I feels like it's been Winter and snowy forever, and now all of a sudden it's perfect weather!! Tehehe! (So much excitement, so little ways to express it...I'm gonna get cabin fever!!!) Something that's kinda funny though is that in reality, it's only about 45 degrees outside, but since it's been under 20 degrees for so long, people have this mindset that it is hot. Now that's it is spring time though, everyone's getting all twitterpated!
(please enjoy the twitterpated owl from Bambi)
In all seriousness though, it's true. All the BYU-lovin' is comin out of the woodwork, and the warmth outside is causing everyone to lay around on every open patch of grass there is all over campus. You think I'm joking, but seriously, when you are walking around and you look through you peripheral vision, it looks like there are dead bodies laying all over the campus; it's weird and funny at the same time.
Remember that one time when I got really sick for over a month, and then my voice was gone for a month after that?? Yeahh, good times. Just kidding, that wasn't good times..at all. Well I tried every remedy under the shining sun to cure myself, including getting two different prescriptions from the doctor's office. All of this was in vain, however, until I partook of Flintstones vitamins. Say what you like, but I owe my wellness over that devil disease to Flintstones vitamins. Seriously guys, I swear my life by those gummies now!! So great. They the don't taste too shabby either. Yummy yummy in my tummy.
The other day the grounds people were cutting the grass for the first time in forever...and it smelt WONDERFUL. I don't know why but the smell of freshly cut grass reminds me of home. Goodness I miss my home. One of my favorite smells ever is the smell of Spring/Summer time in the morning. When I smell that smell, happiness just builds deep inside me and then slowly spreads and peeks out everywhere else and it's pretty great. The other day when I was walking home from class, I got a sudden whiff of funnel cakes and that Summery smell...so of course I thought of Carowinds!! I wanna go this Summer when I finally get to go home cause I didn't get to go last year, and that place is so great!
My thought process is really weird..
On campus, there are always people sleeping. Seriously...everywhere..under benches, on top of tables, in the bathrooms.. so I was a supa creep and snapped and few shots one day. Enjoy them.
(she was snoring...hahaha)
(this guy was mumbling sweet nothings to me as he took a quick nap)
My Daddy sent me flowers TWICE! And they were beautiful.
A few weeks ago the Bean museum caught on fire. I was in the basement doing my laundry, and a mechanic guy was down there as well working on something. All of a sudden his walkie-talkie said in the most nonchalant voice "Hey, could someone call 911? The Bean Museum just caught fire. Thanks." Honestly, it was kinda funny cause the voice made it seem like this was no big deal and an everyday occurance haha. But the firetrunks came and all is well that ends well.
One last thing before I clock out...please enjoy this Lord of the Rings kitty meme. I LOVE IT :)
Alrighty, that's it for now...Til we meet again!