Monday, October 7, 2013

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"...

So who else thought that this General Conference was one of the best ever? Anyone? Anyone? I know President Monson agrees cause he said it like 3 times! I totally second P. Monson! I´m not sure why my soul hungered for the good word of God so much leading up to this conference, but I literally was CRAVING conference. And like always, the good Lord delivered :) (This was the first conference that at no point did I dose off! I was so happy!) Anywho, I could go on forever about each talk and how much I loved it and what I learned, but I won´t cause I only have a teeeeeny bit of time to email y´all, entonces (so)... I´ll do a quick once-over..
Conference answered so many prayers that I had (and ones that I wasn´t aware that I had also). I felt the love of God touch my heart multiple times while servants of the Lord addressed us. Goodness, I don´t even know how to describe the peace and spirit I felt during Conference! It was wonderful, happy, perfect.. I am so grateful for living prophets and apostles and all those of and called of God to guide His people. What a blessing it is that God speaks, not spoke. I love Conference! It is my favorite semi-annual time of the year! There are very few ways to be more edified than watching conference.. Seriously. (ps-when it comes out, please send me a copy of the conference ensign!)
Qué mas...
Oh, Dad, you´ll be happy about this: apparently when I talk I have been using a portuguese/brasilian accent on certain words. Like father like daughter, huh? I guess it´s a sign I need to be in Brasil! 
Yesterday, mi compañera told me that people here think that Americans are stiff and not loving because we don´t greet people with a kiss.. Personally, I think the kissy thing is really nice and all cause it makes me feel like we are already close, but I like how we do it in the US also cause in the US, it´s kinda like we earn our greetings, ya know? Like when you first meet someone, its a shake of the hand  or a wave, then you work your way to a hug and so on and so forth...ya get me? So yeah, that´s my thoughts on that...I don´t like that people have been saying that right in front of me knowing I can´t understand.....(to quote Stephanie Tanner from Full House) "how rude." 
I have finally convinced Hermana Barros to let us sing one Christmas song a week! Yaaayy, Christmas! I´m so excited for Christmas...but it´s gonna be weird that it´ll be warm here. What happened to "White Christmas"??
On the micro (bus), occasionally American music will play. I love it when this happens cause it´s usually really retro stuff like Journey or the Beatles. People always give me weird looks when I start singing along like "you understand this stuff??" Makes me smile every time :)
The other day while tracting, Hermana Barros and I encountered a Book of Mormon basher. He chased us down on his bike. I of course didn´t understand what was going on cause I don´t understand spanish, so I was just standing there thinking " this guy is reeeeaallly excited about the gospel...lalala". Only after we awkwardly ran away did Hermana Barros tell me that he had been hatin´ on us. he doesn´t want to know more and be taught? ..Oops. Not understanding 87% of what goes on around me is part of my daily life here, so I´m used to it by now haha.

So this is the last time I will change it I pinky promise! My address is:
Hermana Abigail Page
4 Norte 1112 Casilla 631
Viña del Mar, Valparaiso
(I´m sure anything like this will eventually find it´s way to me either way so it´s all good hopefully) Like I said last week, I only get my mail once a transfer during zone no mail yet :p I want my mail so bad! After all the stuff you guys have sent, I´ll probably have a mountain! :D wahooo for mountain mail. But I´ll let ya know when that actually happens. Today I sent a package and some letters. (apparently packages take about a week and letters take about a month to get to the USA..) I´ll be sending letters sparaticly throughout my p-days though, so keep your eyes pealed for ´em!

Next time you get a chance, could y´all maybe send me some Rodney Yee morning yoga dvds? just one disc with a few of the morning ones would be nice! I just miss my yoga (with Daddy)  and it helps keep me healthy and optimistic...soo yep.

One last thing that happened this week that I want to share is when we were following up with a contact for a second visit, another man came to the door and straight said  "oh, hola Hermanas!" Confused, we asked him if he had talked with missionaries before. Turns out that he is a less active that we didn´t know about (which actually happens a lot out here). He even served a mission and everything! So we went in and talked to him about faith and enduring to the end, and then at the end of the lesson we asked him to pray. At first, like always, he resisted but eventually he said yes. That was one is the most heart changing prayers that I have ever heard, and he almost started cying. This experience just reminded me of how important it is to keep the fire burning always. Just because you served a mission or just because you watched conference doesn´t mean you´re safe. You need more. You need constant and sincere scripture study and prayer. You need to feel the spirit consistently. You need conversion in yourself first. And that´s everyone´s course of life I think, is to seek conversion in ourselves. If we are always doing this, I think the Lord will be proud of our service when we see Him again and say, "Lord, I´m converted".

Let us all seek to be a little better, and try a little harder, and reach a little further this week.
I love you all. Thank you a million times over for your prayers on my behalf. I draw so much strength from them.
God speed until I see you again.
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page

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