Monday, February 3, 2014

I'm starting with the man in the mirror...

I can not believe that my little stud of a brother is going to be a missionary in the blink of an eye. It´s so crazy and I keep thinking "he´s not old enough!"...but then again, neither am I! I still feel like the missionaries are all holy and older and wiser too. But then I think..pucha, now I´m one of the missionaries that are "old" and all that jazz. Que loco. But I can also totally picture Tory with a placa! He is gonna be a great missionary, changin lives and what-not :)

This week, I have felt a change in me that I can´t really explain. No sé.. It´s like, por fin, I´m converted to the work I guess I could say. It hit me, Hey..I really love being a missionary. I love the work; I love inviting people to make changes in their lives; I love mi placa; I love being here; I love the Lord. No sé. I can´t explain it really well, but my mindset and my heart finally feel truly converted to the mission...without doubts or "I could be doing this" or "I don´t feel like it today". It only took my about 6 months pero por fin he llegado (but finally, I´ve arrived)! I feel happier without doubts and what-if´s. The only thing I need to do right now is serve the Lord with all my heart and might. Punto fin. Y me encanta! 

On Wednesday is sé que va a pasar. Maybe I´ll go, maybe I´m here another cambio. I guess we´ll see, now won´t we! 
I´ve really enjoyed the opportunity to train Hermana Perez. I know I lack a lot knowledge and I need to be a better example for her in a lot of things, but I feel like I´ve been retrained in some ways during this past cambio con ella. I´ve become a real missionary, not just a companion of a missionary. I´ve become so close with my Savior, and I have been strengthened by His grace and love time and time again. I have learned to teach the gospel and really invite people to change...long story short. I´ve changed. For the better....Oh great, now the song from Wicked is stuck in my head.

One more thing rapidito. The gospel is tan simple. And perfect. It blows my mind! Other gospels or doctrine are great and have truths, but the truth is that there are holes. In the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, there aren´t holes. There aren´t doubts. But if there are, the answer isn´t  "ooh, here´s the answer right here and you need to believe because I told you"...nope nope nope. The answer that we recieve for the gospel for when we have doubts is simply, "ask God". Because He´s gonna tell ya the truth. He is gonna lead you to where you need to go. He is gonna cast out your doubts. Our whole church is based off of the doctrine of action, of asking God. We have the gospel because a boy had doubts and asked God. I´m here in my mission now, asking people to do the same. Simplemente, ask God. How awesome and simple is that? Que perfecto. 
So I guess this is my invitacion for you guys this week. Ask God. Ask Him cualquier cosa, and I promise you He´ll answer. Por que no?

I gots to go now though, but know I love y´all con todo todo todo de mi corazón! Choose the right this week, stand strong in the face in trials, and don´t eat yellow snow.
Love you all, and see you when I see you, and gracias por TODO siempre. 
Love always and always, 
Hermana Abigail Page

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