This friday, we had an activity del barrio. It was a talent show! And it was super last minute anouncing it so we thought casi nobody would be there. But when the time came, TONS of people showed up! Us misioneras were super happy with that :) Sidenote: when we were in the church, I started making popping the kernels then adding butter and salt... but when people started eating it, TODOS said it was super gross! I was like, "what the heck? it tastes perfect! not too soggy from the butter and just the perfect pinches of salt." ...But it turn out, they don´t sell popcorn like that down here! Que loco, cierto?? They only sell it with a boatload of sugar and sometimes carmel on other way. Even in the movie theaters. Chilenos...dont know what they´re missin with our popcorn. But yeah, the noche de talentos was super great! And we (the 4 misioneras) did a "special" surprise number al final. We were the spice girls!! Hahaha and we lip-sung and danced to ´wannabe´. It was so funny...people will have that image of us branded in their heads for a while!
Other things (more spiritual) that happened this week were:
-Earlier this year when I would feel bad, or have a bad day, or Satan was bothering me, I would always get a super strong impression in my mind "Say a prayer. Pray right now and everything will be okay." I know it was the spirit, and really when I prayed, the Lord helped me overcome those moments and they are some of the most spiritual experiences I´ve had out here. (It was like taking a spiritual Advil). But gradually, I got lazy with it and then the feelings to pray when its hard are super light/simple..almost not there. And then the other day in my personal studies, I read the scripture 1 Nefi 17:7...And to others this scripture may be simple and insignificant, but it touched me mucho.
"And it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had been in the land of Bountiful for the space of many days, the voice of the Lord came unto me, saying: aArise, and get thee into the mountain. And it came to pass that I arose and went up into the mountain, and cried unto the Lord."
This is what happened to me before too, with the spirit (the voice of the Lord) coming to me and telling me to get up and go to a place and pray to Him for help. To cry to Him for comfort, and guidance, and strength. And when I listened, and prayed..or cried en realidad.. the Lord helped me overcome cualquier dificulty that I was having. After reading that scripture, my goal now is to listen and heed the spirit...cause the spirit teaches a man to pray and satan does the opposite. Stupid Satan. Honestly, I feel bad for him, cause he doesnt have the opcion to pray and recieve help and strength.
-This past week, to be brief on words, Satan was upset with me, and wanted to give me a rough time. So inside spiritually and mentally...pphhhhhhh..difĂcil. So yesterday, I asked our district leader for a blessing, and let me just tell you.... I love the sacerdocio. En serio. It is the best. I am so grateful to be surrounded to faithful men who are worthy to hold the priesthood and act as God´s mouthpiece for my personal benefit and salvation. Blessings del sacerdocio are the best. This morning I was thinking about how a feel know how recieving one and I just thought..."I want a blessing every morning when I wake up! Wouldn´t that just be the best?" Pero Pero esta bien.
Pero eso! Hope you guys are enjoying your time together...Get a rootbeer float from the Creamery in my honor! And tell EVERYONE that I love them so much :)
Love you all like the dickens.
Never lose an oportunity to pray, cause really you are really only hurting yourself.
(the computer lab donde estamos always plays retro music in in heaven! haha gotta love them 70´s and 80´s)
Be sure to be studying your Preach my Gospels! **coughcough**
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page
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