Monday, November 18, 2013

Elves with attitude...

Happy Thanksgiving this week!! Wow, I´m gonna miss Thanksgiving and good ´ole American eats this Thursday. It´s so strange to me that´s Thanksgiving time cause here it´s all opposite-like (and cause they don´t have cool stories of Indians eatin´ once with gringos here), and also it´s so strange that I´m gonna be sweating at Christmas..Summertime Christmas...Qué en el mundo?? My mind and body is just confused all around with this opposite hemisphere nonsense.. But I had hot chocolate (with marshmellows!) the other day, and I felt like it was Christmas at home :)

There´s the news you´ve all been waiting for... I GOT MAIL!!! WOOOOoooOOHHhhoOOOoOOooooOooo! And lots of it. In fact, I kind of got my whole zone mad/jealous with all the mail...hehe. 16 letters! Talk about it´s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Half from Mom and Dad, and then letters from Sis. Gardiner/Ben and Lucy, Sis. Mitchell, Leslie, Rachel Schmitt, Stephanie Nanto, and Bro. Hamby! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank y´all sooo much! I stayed up late that night and read them all cause I couldn´t sleep knowing I had them haha. 

This week I wanna tell y´all about someone in our ward named Marcel. 
Some background: Marcel has only been a member of the church for about 6 months. He goes to every activity (clase ingles, baptisms, noche de name it, and he is there), and he knows every person. A few years back, he was jumped by some friends of his ex-wife, so now Marcel has a lot of health he is on the verge of mentally and physically handicapped in lots of ways. But to be honest, I don´t think that I have met a sweeter soul in my life. 
He collects boxes (and the such) and gives them to the recycle people for income, so obviously he doesn´t have a lot to go around. But always Marcel is the first to buy you a "regalito" (gift). For example, he bought us sodas at the tienda the other day because it was super hot; he bought Hermana Barros a Disney English/Spanish activity book  to help her learn english; he bought a boy a new white shirt and tie for his mission; and when I was sick a while back it brought me cough drops and soda. 
I don´t know how to tell you guys just how sweet he is, but I can assure y´all that I know for a fact of is one of the most choice spirits our heavenly father has. He makes my day when we see him, and he is such an example to me of selfless service and charity and kindness. And I honestly want to be more like him in a lot of ways.
So this is my invitation this week to you guys: (I know you don´t know Marcel, but I´m sure you guys know someone in your lives who is just like him...someone who has nothing and gives everything..) This week, serve some. Love someone. Help someone who maybe never asks for it. I know that if we all do this this week..and every week after for that matter.. we are going to begin to feel the purest form of love. We are going to start to feel Christ´s love. And then we will begin to take steps to be more like Christ. 
..Besides, it´s Thanksgiving and Christmas time..what better time to serve people??

That´s all I´ve got for this week though. I love you all, and I hope with all my guts (ew, graphic) that you guys have a great week!

Love always and always, 

Hermana Abigail Page

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