Monday, November 4, 2013

"Hola Satanas! Tenemos un mensaje sobre Jesucristo.."

Happy belated Halloween! People here "try" to celebrate Halloween, but it´s too American for some people, so it´s just an awkward holiday down here to tell ya the truth.. Some people get REALLY into it, and others think you are a devil worshipper if you even think about muttering "dulce or truco (trick or treat)". So yep. As a missionary it´s even more awkward cause you´re like "Hola little boy dressed up as Satan, tenemos un mensaje sobre Jesucristo para usted" ...or  "Hola little children, come get dulce and salvación"  OR "(eellllllllllooooo knock-knock equivalent) Hola como esta? Somos misio- Uh, no we aren´t here for candy--uhh-awkward. Podemos compartir-- ehh--no quiere? Okay nevermind. Tenga un bien noche." All around it´s just a lose-lose situacion. But I realize one thing...being a missionary is just glorified trick-or-treating in a way...but backwards. We go door to door offering "candy" to people.....yep, that´s pretty it in a nut shell. 
When I went on exchanges this week, my feet and legs got attacked by fleas (pulgas) in the other area. My feet liked like a red shrek or somethin...muy feo. The next day I felt like I was walking on fire. Not fun, incase you were wondering. But after some magic cream-gel-stuff  from  my sweet compañera, all is well that ends well, and my feet are back to their normal color and size..WOOO.

Miracle for the week: my very first day as a missionary in Limache, we contacted and did a quick first lesson with a man named Sergio (my first nuevo). We didn´t think much of it cause in the next weeks you couldn´t find him again.....(time passed until yesterday) POOF. He has a baptism date...and I INVITED him to be baptized! :D Long story short, Sergio is in his 50´s, loves to ride his bike, is kinda quieter, but literally the sweetest little guy there is! He kinda reminds me of Dad now that I think about it!! Woah... anywho, once we found Sergio again about two weeks ago he has been golden! Seriously! Sergio has come to church both the past Sundays and reads and chose his own baptismal date and loves the "paz interior" of the gospel and he loves to listen and learn lots and he is a straight up G to be frank. I just think it´s really cool cause he is my first "contact to baptism" ya know?

Anywho, that´s about it for this week. Wednesday is transfers, but I think I´m safe cause I´m mid-training, so that´s good. I´ve been here a whole transfer??? So weird... Seriously time is so weird. Days are long, weeks blur together so quickly, and then after a blink of an eye a whole transfer is over! 

I´m learning to enjoy every moment good, bad, early, hot, cold.....TODO! 

I am so grateful to be a missionary. I am starting to see what people were saying when they say it´s the hardest two years/year and a half but also the best. That´s my new make this without a doubt the best year and a half of my life. Wish me luck!

Hasta próximo lunes, I LOVE YOU GUYS..more than words or thoughts or emails can describe. Be good while I´m gone.

Love always and always, 

Hermana Page

**For Christmas (or any other time if I´m too late por Navidad): I want an etsy bracelet like Jaclyn´s that says "Have no fear"´s my favorite line from my pat. blessing and it helps me a lot in my mission. Ya know, casual and comfy like I like it...something I can wear ´erday. 

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