Monday, March 3, 2014

"they all scared of him, but my momma ain't"...

First and foremost... HAPPY BIRTHDAY (esta semana) TO THE BEST MOMMA IN THE WHOLE WIDE MILKYWAY. En serio mama, I love you so much. Thank you for every smile, every rico dinner, every christmas decoration, every moment of keeping me in line, every time where we watched HGTV together, every school project you helped me with, all the sacrifices......todo.
I can´t begin to express how grateful I am for my family, house, blessings, situation, cats...todo. (I seem to be at a fault of words this week haha porque todo es "todo").
This week I think I just wanna tell everyone thank you.

Thank you Mom and Dad for being such wonderful parents. For leading by example. For loving each other. For never doubting your faith or leaving the church. Thank you are making me kneel for family prayer. For loving me enough to punish me when I was a brat. For putting our family first. For making sacrifices so we could have a really blessed life. For teaching us to trust in the Lord and trust in miracles. For every "tuckin me in" or "goodnight knock on the wall" or family interview. For never losing hope in us kids and for loving us even when we were snot nose crazys.
Dallin, Matthew, Zachary, Tory, Jaclyn, y Marissa (y Katie..shhhh ;)): Thank you are being such good examples in my life. For supporting me in every ballet recital that lasted like 6 hours haha. For every time you guys let my hangout with you. For not spoiling me and for keeping me in line. For loving each other. For serving missions. For being the missionaries and the people that I want to be. Or always trying to follow and trust in the light ahead. For every hug, and every time I was "your favorite sister". For being my best friends. For todo.

I know that I wouldn´t be half of the person I am without y´all (and many others like grandpas & Grandmas, aunts & uncles, cousins and friends). But my life is just one big blessing because of you guys and because of the Lord. And yes, I know I have difficulties and trials that are my personal Gethsmenes, but because of my family, life, and Savior, I´m never lost and I always have love hope and support.

And now I´m here! Sharing all that love and light with other people who need it a lot...oh how the world goes round, right?
I´ve seen situations here in Chile where I´ve really just wanted to cry. People´s situations, family problems, home in ruins, not having anyone to love them or give them food.... That is what I have learned this week. No matter your situation, be grateful for what you have, for all the blessings. And then give that joy to someone else. The mission is funny like learn and grow and see things that change your whole perspective. How cool it is that we can dedicate ourselves to this for a year and a half/2 years...and then keep doing it after with our family and friends? The Lord is a pretty cool guy to let of have the opportunity.

Pero for atleast a "what really happened this week" update: un baptism, movie day for a district activity, noche de hogars out the wazoo, ayuno, yoga, people making steps of faith, investigadores setting their fechas (de bautismo) propias, fifa, servico en el campo, wedding reception, "spring cleaning" the capilla, finding lost sheeps....ya know, a normal week as a missionary ;) Gotta love it..every second.

Gots to get going now. Know I love you all tons, like 12 elephants worth of tons. Portanse bien este semana. Thanks again.
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page


Ps....Steeeeeevvee, riding in style ahora ;) I wanna picture of that.

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