Monday, March 10, 2014

Truth: coconuts really have 3 holes

This week we had 4 temblores fuertes... not quite terremotos, but they were pretty strong. One was at like 2 in the morning.
[backstory: for a bed, we have a bunk bed that´s reeeeaaalllyyy old. and every night I have a little fear that Hna. Beu is gonna fall on me like the samoan kid in the movie the RM cause I´m on the bottom and she´s on top.]..back to the story
I was asleep but then suddenly I felt it (I thought it was a real one at first, en serio), it´s kind of funny cause my first thought wasn´t "plan of action...emergencia backpack blah blah..". My first thought was "crap, Hna. Beu is gonna fall on me. The bed it gonna break, and timber goes the Beu...I gotta get out of the way." But I was tired and I still didn´t know if the earthquake was a real one or not so I my body didn´t want to react or freakout. So I just rolled over and out of the bed and onto the floor, with all my blankets and sheets. Then I just layed there til it pasted of til it got stronger. Finally it pasted, and por suerte, the bed didn´t fall, so no worries everyone. When Hna. Beu saw me laying on the floor, she thought the temblor had rolled my out of the bed haha. No you fool, it´s survival of the fittest, and I´m quick like an antelope in the face of disaster.

Other than that, we had another baptism this week of a little girl named Allison. She´s a sweety. Afterwards she bore her testimony and said that she felt "nervous and happy and emotional...that´s how you're supossed to feel right? cause I kinda like it". Tan dulce ella.

This Sunday, yo creo, was my last Sunday in Limache. It was a great Sunday to go out on: un bautismo, un noche de hogar, investigadores who went to church, tons of less actives...the chapel was so full! No sé, it was like I could see the progress of the ward in that moment. And I was so happy that I´ve been able to help in the progress ya know, to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. My little ward all grown up and savin almas! Cambios son en Wednesday and I think I´m a gonner, but I´m ready to go. It´s weird...I can´t imagine the mission without Limache, but I can´t imagine the mission only in Limache. I´m ready to get going, head in and grow and help others in otros partes. Vamos a ver!

But yep, that´s my little update for y´all this week. Hope everyone is feeling the love of their Savior and sus miracles. I know He lives, and I know He loves.
Do hard things. And love it :)
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page

my "exact life" here in Limache----4 boys/hermanos with me. always when we have noches de hogar en su casa I always feel right at home :)
the one in my arms (Sebastian) LOVES me, and we have the same birthday. So I´ve decided that we are pololos (dating)..he´ll wait for me. I have the faith :)

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