Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Little Mermaid

Has it really been over a month since I blog-posted last?? Yikes... Sorry Momma...
ANYWAYS, now before you all get super excited from the title for a post about Ariel and Eric's epic love story under the sea (follow the previous link to listen the musical stylings of the best crab chorister the big blue has to offer), I should clarify that this post is dedicated to my personal little mermaid. The little lady that swam into my life only a short while ago in the middle of the apple trees in the Appalachian mountains. The bodacious bootyied babe that became my constant companion and one of my best friends over the past year. The girly that I frequently find myself missing terribly lately. The one, the only, Kaitlin Elizabeth Baker. 
Most of you probably know her as KatieBaker (Note: one word). 
I personally have the pleasure of knowing her as "roomie". Yep, that's right! I was the lucky soul that got Katie Baker as a roommate for my freshman year at BYU. To be honest, I was quite nervous to room with her when the plans first fell into place... You see, I literally had only met/seen her a handful of times before we roomed together, so I had no idea what I was truly getting myself into. Turns out, I was getting myself into one of the best blessings and wildest parties of my life. In the space of a few months, Katie went from the loco crazy girl at girls camp to one of my bestestest friends and adopted sister. As people who have sisters know (or even people who know girls in general), living with a bunch of girls isn't always happy rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns pooping glitter. It's challenging. So obviously, there were rough days between me and Katie, but as my "sister", I always loved her to pieces. This past year has been one of the hardest ones of my life, and Katie was always there for me. She cheered me up, she shook her groove thing, she wrote me little inspirational notes, she listened to me rant during our pillow talks, she baked me pretzels, she made me laugh, and she always had a hug...all in the name of making me feel better. If you want to have a selfless and spiritually strong friend, who is smart and sexy and happy and brave and everything you could ever hope to be in life, then you should search no farther than Katie Baker. She was the best roommate that I could have asked for, and I miss her like the dickens (sleeping just isn't the same without a pale Hawaiian cuddled up next to you). 
She is going to go places in this world. Whether it's becoming the first female president or traveling the world changing lives in poverty stricken lands or being the most kick-booty momma of our generation, she is going to succeed with flying colors and look great doin' it. No matter where our lives take us Katie Baker, know that I love you soo much...more than how much our apartment loved your Sunday pretzels...which was a WHOOOLE darn-tootin' lot! I'm so grateful for the influence you have been in my life and the friend you have become to me. Not to sound like a cliche middle school yearbook, but don't ever change sweet girl. I love you. See ya when I see ya.

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