Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Survival of the...just kidding, no one survives.

What can I say about this class..........................yep, that's about it.
But seriously though, this class has been a killer. And not the 'AHHH pop out have some time to run and grab a form of protection.' No, that would be too easy. It's the 'I see you when you're sleeping; I know when you're awake; I'll creep into your room like the tooth fairy and GETCHA..before you even get a chance to calculate your opportunity costs.'
Those of you who have taken it most likely know what I am talking about...unless you are some kinda of super-genius, in which case, I salute you. For me, however, this class has been quite the time. It seems like no matter how long I study for the tests, I always fall quite below my goal grade. Don't worry, I know it's not the end of the world if I don't do perfect, but it's still a bummer to say the least. 
Honestly, it's kinda funny... you know what I'm talking about: When you are taking a test and you are thinking 'Wow, I got this! I think I'll get a pretty good grade on this. There are only a few I'm having to guess on.' ...but then you go see your grade on the score screen and you think '.....whelp, that's not what I expected. Guess I'll have to go drown my sorrows in ice cream and cookies.' That's what I feel like when I take Econ tests.
But alas, the time has come. Dooms Day is upon us... It's time for my Econ final. DUNN DUUNNN DUUUNNNN!!! Tomorrow, I am going to go and take the blasted test. Who knows if I'll survive..if I'll pass...if I'll fail. Who knows what the future holds. Do not fret, my friends. This too shall pass. 
If this is the end for me, however, these are my last words: Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. CRUELTY, THY NAME IS ECON

(Please click the following link to view a rather funny sketch of an Econ final.)
Studio C-Econ 101

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