Friday, July 20, 2012

For All Eternity

This is going to be all about creeping and caring. These two basic necessities to life have become extremely prominent since I've been out at school. 
With a constant stream of EFY kids coming and going this summer, there is never a lack of people to properly creep on. Now before you judge me, don't even lie to yourself. You know that you have creeped once upon a time, and you know that you enjoyed it. It's super fun to watch people! Like my roommates say, "It's like Facebook in real life!" The huge windows in the living room in our dorm have a fantastic view of the quad in front of our building. I'm not gonna lie, some of the greatest moments I've had with my roommates involve creeping on random strangers down there through the window. I have two prime examples: FIRST. One morning at around 2am, I walked into the kitchen to find Breanne and Kendra dancing to the EFY "We Like to Party" song for people outside. Yeah, I think that explains itself! SECOND. About two days ago, Kendra, Breanne, and I were thoroughly entertained for probably about half an hour at least by making faces at EFY kids who were sitting outside. I don't think I've laughed that hard in my life. And I must say, Kendra's "Mr. Bean face" was the highlight of my summer.
Now for caring aspect of this blog post. I would just like to take this moment to publicly say how much I love my family. They literally are my best friends (and that includes my momma and daddy). I thought about it the other day, and I honestly have no idea where I would be without them. (What got my started thinking about this is my brother Zachary's last email while being on a mission{"Zachary's last email" is a link to it if you wanna check it out}). Being out at school, you tend to hear about a lot of different family situations from everyone around you. I must say, I completely lucked out and got THE best. I can't think of one thing, one moment, one memory that I would change for the world. Even though we aren't always skipping around in daisies and singing about butterflies and rainbows, I love them so much. If I didn't know that families can be together forever, I would probably cry myself to sleep every night. I love that I know that this isn't the end for my family, and we have forever to spend together. Very few things make me happier than knowing this fact.
Which leads me into my final topic: summer term. I count my blessing every day that I came to BYU for summer term. I've been able to gain a family here that will forever be a major part of my life. My wonderful roommates have become some of my best friends! I feel so blessed to have been given literally the best girls out at BYU for my roommates. They make me laugh, they keep me focused, we giggle about boys, we can all relate to each other, we share food, we creep together, we hang out almost every single second, we have inside jokes, we keep each other in line, we tease each other, we love each other, and we are sisters. This has literally been the best summer of my life because of these leading ladies. I love every second I spend with them, and I wish we had more than just 8 weeks together. As crazy as it sounds to say, I think it will be harder leaving these girls after just this short summer together than it was for me to leave my friends back home after 18 years. (I'm not trying to be mean; I'm just being honest. I love everyone back home more than they will ever know, don't get me wrong!) Rachel, Alex, Kali, Breanne, Kendra, and I have connected on a different level than I ever did with people back home. Maybe it's because we live together and we honestly never really hang out with much anyone else... I don't know. I can't explain it in the slightest. All I know is that I've gained 5 new sisters in the course of just a few short weeks, and I love them more than I can bare. I'll end this bad boy by quoting my amazing roommate Kali: "This is pretty much a two month long sleepover...with the occasional paper due." ...Couldn't have said it any better myself :)


  1. This made me think of you :)
