Saturday, July 14, 2012

Manna From Heaven

Let's start this out with the highlight of my day from yesterday. It was Krispy Kreme's 75th Birthday!! To bless us mire civilians, they let us get a dozen original glaze doughnuts for 75 cents! Talk about tender mercies :) I'm so thankful for good 'ole North Carolina for blessing the world with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. They truly are manna from Heaven. 
Random thought: say Provo PoPo five times fast...well maybe ten times would prove my point better. It sounds funny. I do this every time I see a Provo police car. Another thought (which kinda involves the police), there are ZERO speed limit signs in Utah. Literally, no where. It frustrates me cause if they were there I would follow them. Or I would at least be aware of my law breaking. Without them, I just feel awkward driving in general. Am I speeding, or are we being Sunday drivers together without knowing?? 
In high school my Sophomore year, we had a Harry Potter club. It was really fun, but it wasn't very organized. I was sorted into Ravenclaw back then, which I was super excited about (I love Ravenclaw!). However, yesterday I decided I needed to be truly sorted with the help and seal of approval from J.K. Rowling. Thus, I turned to the trusty sorting site of Pottermore. Turns out, I really belong in Gryffindor! I guess this makes sense considering I bleed red and not blue. Trust me, I saw it when I was giving blood. GO GO GRYFFINDOR! GO GO GRYFFINDOR!! (That's our Quidditch chat.) I'll take Gryffindor anyday, as long as that means I get to fraternize with Neville Longbottom.

 Yesterday in the testing center, I was sitting there taking my Stats test when I glanced out of the corner of my eye to check the clock... I got an eye-full of something, but it sure wasn't the time. Josh Hutcherson's long lost identical twin was sitting next to me. I had to do a double take to be sure, but in my head all I could think was, "PEETA!" That made my testing experience much more enjoyable. 
Another thing I noticed about the testing center is that "Knowledge is power" is carved on a seal at the entrance. I started pondering this, and I came to the conclusion that it is so true! He who holds the brains holds the smarty pants, and he who wears the smarty pants wears the pants in the relationship of the world. That's just how it works. Then I started thinking of "The Help"..."You is kind. You is smart. You is important." 
I have a weird thought process.. don't think about it. Just accept it and enjoy the ride. 
One last thing that made me smile yesterday was the Duck Pond. BYU has a duck pond on South Campus by the testing center. Matt and I walk by there after our tests. Last time we were there, we considered the possibilities of if someone has ever stolen a duck. Probably not very likely, especially at BYU, but I am contemplating trying to get a pet duck when I grow up. They are so cute when they waddle and their little "quack quack" and webbed feet. Anyways, we were standing there watching and all of a sudden the biggest duck in the pond with a green head (we assumed he was King Ducky) started hydroplaning over the water like he was a jet ski or something. While he was doing this he managed to pile-drive over about three little baby duckies. It was so sad and funny at the same time. We also got to see this little Asian boy try and chase down a that was adorable. Question of life: How do duckies float on water? Are they just that buoyant, or is it their body shape, ooor what? 
Here's a picture of the little duckies! Aren't they so cute?!

Well that's about it. I got to sleep in this morning, and now it's going to be a pretty easy-breezey day until we all start getting dolled up for Invitational. Invitational is pretty much Freshman prom, so I'm pretty excited! It's a murder mystery masquerade theme, and during the dance we have to figure out which RA is killing all of the other ones. I'm going to have to keep my eyes out for some Blue's Clues tonight!


  1. Abby I love reading about your adventures! I'd say life, but really your life is just one amazing, fun adventure after another. You totally make me smile. I can't wait to hear about the masquerade.

