Friday, July 27, 2012

The Fight That Will Live in Infamy!

I know that I have already posted something within the last 24 hours; HOWEVER, when the sun goes down at Brigham Young University, that is when the real day begins.
First, there I was minding my own business, about to go to bed early for the first time in quite some time, and BANG-BOOM-POW! People assumed that it would be a pleasant idea to throw water balloons at our windows at 10:30 at night. This was a false assumption. After giving them several (Mormon appropriate) threatening gestures, spouting out several "come at me bro!"'s, and pretending to call the campus po-po, they dispersed. They will rue the day they chucked H20 filled rubber at our window. Rue it, I say!
Secondly, there is a slightly sketchy R.A. from the boy's dorm (who shall remain nameless) who feels the need to hit on freshman girls. One such female who was caught in his sights was my dormmate Rachel. But thankfully, after receiving a stern metaphorical back-hand from our lovely, rockin' R.A., his creeping level has taken a steep decline. Tonight, however, the tables have turned...let's just say that said creepy R.A. received a rather lovely note attached to a nice gift from a special group of girls. (Note: I was not involved.)(Disclaimer: The anonymous gift was not for reals/serious, though he did in reality receive one at his door.)
Lastly, but most definitely not leastly, the fight of the century broke out between my roommate Rachel and myself. I would just like to preface that Rachel is literally my sister from a different mister. Maybe it's cause we both grew up with four brothers and no sisters... I don't know. Also, when I say "fight", I don't literally mean fight fight. We fake fight in the literal sense of the word fight. Does that make any sense? Abiding by an ancient form of white kid kung-fu, which was inspired my Rachel's brother Daniel, we fight without touching one another. We donkey kick and punch and karate chop and jab each other all without making actual contact. It sounds kinda strange, but let me tell you... It is probably one of the funnest things I have ever done in my life. It's so funny to watch and be a part of. You get such a workout: half from running around and flailing like an idiot, and the other half from laughing so hard. All I gotta say is don't knock it before you try it. You never know... You may secretively be a great fake literal fight fighter ninja!
Here are some pictures from before our adventurous midnight duel:

Beware of our muscles and game faces.

Our warrior poses.

You know you wished you looked this graceful while ninja kicking the air.


  1. Oh my, I cannot wait to contribute to your shenanigans. And we can peruse the restricted section together. I’ll hold the cloak, you hold the lamp. Deal?
