-I gave blood again!! I have no idea why I did, especially after I almost DIED last time (obvious exaggeration, but still). However, whenever the sign up sheet came around at church to donate, my name somehow found it's way into an open slot. I am happy to announce that this experience of saving 3 lives was worlds better than the first. This time I didn't almost die (the whole needle and blood comin' out thing went rather swimmingly)...my blood bag however got too full and apparently almost busted, or at least that's what one of the doctor/nurse people said frantically as they all rushed to get my arm undone while my machine was making panic noises. Good times. But again, I received my [red tape bandage] badge of honor, and that was worth almost spilling my blood for...literally.
-I have experienced many firsts out here in college...first time living on my own, first mountain hike, first job, first kiss, first semester of college. But far surpassing these seemingly insignificant firsts (sarcasm), I have experienced firsts that will remain ingrained in my memory forever...or I guess in my stomach because they all deal with food now that I think about it! Such as:
~First time eating Panda Express
(We frequently order take-out...college life<3)
~First time eating Ramen Noodles
(No picture, sorry)
~First time eating a Twinkie
(Yes, I did make a Twinkie tower in class)
-I was able to attend General Conference for the first time in person!! That was amazing beyond measure. To be able to sit in the same room as general authorities who are called of God...WOW. Let's just say the spirit was definitely there, and I was in party town. Even though it was really awesome, I think I'll stick to watching general conference at home...it's too dark and warm and comfy at the Conference Center. My narcolepsy was havin' a hay-day in there, if you know what I'm sayin. Anyways, the speakers were so inspired and the music was wonderful as always. Did anyone have their mind blown by the missionary announcement?!? Of course you did, you fool. It's so crazy, but so perfect at the same time. All my plans are now thrown out of wack, but it's all good. Weird to think that I could be gone this time next year, huh? Moral of this tangent: I HEART GENERAL CONFERENCE. It's my favorite [semiannual] time of the year :)
(I of course got the traditional temple picture after conference)
-I BUILT A BOOTY-KICKIN' FORT in our living room/kitchen area. BOOYA. (Pictures to come on Facebook). But seriously, it was so much fun. We pretty much lived in there the whole weekend...naptime, movie nights, music jam sessions, the works... it was pretty amazing. I should go into the fort assembly business...I hear it's a growing market and let's face it, I've got skills!
(Canopy View)
(Chillin' like Villains)
-I guess it was about a month ago now...my roommate Katie snuck into our FHE brothers apartment and stole their precious stuffed antelope, Gallaheed. When they noticed he was missing, WAR ERUPTED...consisting of fly swatters, ransom pictures, brassieres, laundry baskets, chucking flowers, a cameo snuggie, and the chastity line. Needless to say, the brothers now always have their doors locked.
-Speaking of our FHE brothers, I would like to take this moment to say how awesome they all are. THEY ARE AWESOME. Seriously, I love hanging out with them. Growing up with only brothers around, and then coming here and living with only 5 other girls has been a really strange adjustment. Luckily, my brethren don't seem to mind too much when I hang out at their place. I need my daily dose of brotherhood every once in a while. They have done so much for me and my roommates. Through blessings, food, talking, and simply being around (among other things), they have become some of our best friends out here at the Y. So thanks you guys, we love y'all!!
-ZACHARY AND MARISSA ARE ENGAGED. Finally. Long story short, I helped and photographed the whole affair from behind a minivan at 6 in the morning. Creeper status. [She said yes, by the way :)]
-We went on a spontaneous hike two Sundays ago to Bridal Veil falls. We were all sitting around at our place, and next thing we know, we are in Jessie's car drivin' through the canyon. I love random adventures. Our explorer group consisted of me, Hayden, Austin (Texas), Jessie, Mady, and Katie. It was so nice and beautiful out there. And honestly, it was probably one the the highlights of my college experience so far...even though I ripped my pants...and when I say ripped, I mean RIPPED...like 8 inches down the crotch ripped. But I guess that just added to the excitement of the evening!
(So amazing!)
(Austin posing like champion next to the falls)
(ONE RIP TO RULE THEM ALL...there she blows)
-Campus is so beautiful, so here are a few pictures I've snapped with my phone while walking on campus. Feast your eyes.
(Snow topped mountains after the first snow fall!)
(One day it was super foggy, and you could barely even see the mountains...so cool.)
(The flag at half mast on September 11. The ROTC stood on guard next to the flag all day long, which was so amazing. God bless America!)
-A few things I've realized while being out at college: I love root beer floats; LOVE THEM. I want to learn to speak Hebrew one day. Bed-side tables/desks are the bees-knees. I hate alarms...hence the reason I snooze them a kagillion times before finally getting up late. I love simply cruising in the car with the windows down, heaters up, and music playing while driving through the canyons(or anywhere for that matter); it's one of my favorite feelings in the world...especially when James Taylor is playing! I love everything about autumn. It's colder back home in the winter than it is out here; thank you frozen humidity for preparing me so well.
I hope you all enjoyed that...my tangents were very out of chronological order, so sorry about that.
Carry on my peeps, and may the force be with you.